All outside organizations using school district facilities shall execute an Indemnification and Hold-Harmless Agreement which shall hold the school district/board of education harmless from any claims, injuries or damage occurring while the organization is on the premises and shall complete a lease agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth therein. Requests for use shall be presented to the principal to recommend approval or denial. The principal shall ensure compliance with procedures developed by the district. Community usage shall not interfere with regular school programs, school activities or school functions. In addition, the principal shall have the authority to deny use of a facility when he or she determines that the school district’s interest in maintaining a safe and secure environment for the students is best served by denying the request.

The use of the school’s kitchen equipment for the preparation of food shall require the operation by a child nutrition service employee.

The board reserves to itself and Superintendent the right to require provision of and payment for additional security, crowd control, custodial services, or other additional conditions as needed to ensure that use of school facilities and/or grounds for other purposes does not detract from their primary use – education.

All outside organizations using school facilities must make known that neither the board nor the administration has endorsed the users’ activities. Any advertisement or circular must contain specific language to that effect. 

A school district employee approved by the principal is required to be on the premises during the period of use. Any additional cost(s) for supervision and/or security services will be reimbursed by the facility user based on a fee established by the district.

All facility use agreements one month to one year must be approved by the superintendent. All active use agreements will remain in effect until the expiration date or a breach of contract by the lessee.

Groups who advocate causes or beliefs that are unlawful or clearly hostile to the district’s goals, values and curriculum shall not be granted usage. Insurance, Indemnification and Liability.

<Facility Use And Rental Process> <Procedural Guidelines><Terms And Conditions><Facility Use Agreement><Insurance Requirements><Indemnification>